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Leadership Coaching Workshop: Know Your Values & Leadership Vision

Are you ready to see how YES! can help elevate your leadership skills and make a lasting impact in your career journey? Join our leadership coaching workshop, "Know Your Vision and Values in Leadership," and embark on a transformative journey toward becoming an effective and authentic leader.

In this immersive workshop, you will:

  1. Discover Your Vision: Gain clarity on your personal and professional vision, allowing you to set inspiring goals and navigate your leadership path with purpose.

  2. Define Your Core Values: Identify the values that drive your decision-making, helping you make ethical and meaningful choices as a leader.

  3. Align Your Actions: Learn how to align your daily actions and commitments to YES with your vision and values, fostering authenticity and trust within your team.

Our experienced coach, Jesskia Portney Amini, will guide you through self-reflection, interactive exercises, and peer discussions, ensuring you leave with a deeper understanding of your leadership style and a clear roadmap for success. REGISTER HERE

September 7

21st Anniversary Celebration Reception

October 19

Money Matters: Women's Financial Literacy 101